There are tons of YouTube videos and blog posts on updating the Ender 3 firmware, but I could not find any, on how to do this with the Pololu USB AVR Programmer. So here it is, the Ender 3 and the Pololu USB AVR Programmer write up in four simple steps: Configure the Pololu Programmer […]
Multi Endpoint RGB lights

I finally completed the multi endpoint with 4 RGB lights. I was hoping to drive more lights with a single JN5168, but it seems 4 RGB’s is the absolute limit. Since the JN5168 only has 5 PWM outputs, an external PWM controller is required
One JN5168 to rule them all

Last week I completed the firmware capable of controlling up to 5 lights and I can finally control my ceiling lights through the Hue system.
Custom firmware Hue lights

Update (mar 23, 2017) Now supporting Multi Endpoint Lights (RGB is coming). I put all the relevant info on this page, and I will keep it updated. Update (dec 3, 2016) Pushed the sources to GitHub, available here In my previous posts I described how I was able to connect a Mesh Bee with cloned […]
Breakout breakthrough
As of today I am able to connect any JN5168, with custom firmware, to my Hue. The problem I thought I was having was not with the Bee’s, but with the NXP demo software and a lost key.
Preparing the Zigbee Light Link Demo for Mesh Bee
This post describes the actions required to prepare the NXP Zigbee Light Link demo project for editing in Beyond Studio. After these steps you will be able to edit the code and upload the resulting binaries to a Mesh Bee.
Connecting Mesh Bee to Philips Hue
After my last post I kind of gave up on my project of creating a custom ZLL device to control with the Hue. It was to time consuming and there was no real progress. Until yesterday.
Cloning a Zigbee Light Link Device to a MeshBee
For a while now, I have had this idea to create a hardware interface for custom led lighting which connects to my Philips Hue. Since the Hue device only accepts Zigbee Light Link compliant devices, I did some research on the possibilities of creating my own device. As I am not an electronics engineer, I was looking for components that require minimal […]
Swift barcode scanner
Complete barcode scanner demo in Swift
Decorating enum values
Sometimes it is useful to add properties to enum values. Translations or mapping are typical use cases. Here is how this could be accomplished.